Friday, August 5, 2011

Just plain cute....

The Magicians just keep getting cuter! The pups don't do much at this point yet I can spend hours watching them. I love watching them learn to use their rear, begin to interact with each other and even just nurse. The noises they make when they are really sucking hard is just delicious! All of their eyes are open but they still can't hear yet.
I've put up some photos and video in the Week Two folder. Many of the photos have no flash so they are not the best we've taken. There are quite a few short videos to watch.

Dart spends less and less time in the box. You used to have to drag her out of the box. Now she spends lots of time letting them nurse but when they are done she gets out and goes into the other room and rests. She loves, loves, loves company.
Anyone who knows Dart knows how much she loves people. She thinks everyone is here to see her, the babies are just a bonus. She is quite loud on her greeting and quite demanding when it comes to being pet.

The photos below are of my friend and her family visiting. The twins, Connie and Maria, were amazing with Dart and the babies. They have a dog at home and clearly are "dog savvy". They loved giving Dart her favorite treats, Charlee Bears.

Here is Connie giving Mr. Blue a kiss.

Here is Maria giving Dart a Charlee Bear. Their mom, Keri, is holding their new sister, Rosie.

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