Sunday, August 7, 2011

Amazing how young....

.... they are when they begin to interact with each other. I have put videos up. One shows pink, yellow and blue playing with each other. The puppies are beginning to act like little dogs. Scratching their ears, the rear leg reflex when you tickle just the right area, sleeping on their backs....

Lee and Dave came to visit from Pennsylvania to meet their new addition. We spent time watching them sleep, nurse, play and really move around the box.

Ms. Yellow climbing on the puppy rail.

My AC died today so I am going to move them to another house that has AC so they can be comfortable. They still cannot regulate their temperature so my most important job is to keep them comfortable.

One thing Gayle Watkins has told me since the first litter, "if the puppies are crying, there is something wrong." They are either too hot, too cold, hungry or not feeling well. My job is to listen, figure it out and then fix it.

The weather is too stormy to move them tonight so I have frozen bottles on the edge of the box covered with towels for the puppies to sleep near to cool off if they need to. Hoping it is a restful night for everyone!

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